Japanese Boxing Federation (JABF) set to align with World Boxing?

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Boxing Prospect
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Joined: 25 Jun 2012, 14:35

Japanese Boxing Federation (JABF) set to align with World Boxing?

Post by Boxing Prospect »

The JABF just shared this on social media . We know Boris has been courting national federations at Paris, and it appears one of those is Japan, given they will be holding a press conference on Sunday which will "affect the continuation of boxing in the Summer Olympics four years from now".

Wonder if this is the first of many over the coming weeks,

JABF Japan Boxing Federation
📰Guide for applying for coverage
#Media Relations
#press release
[Relationships with international organizations]
We would like to hold an event to announce the details of the event, which will also affect the continuation of boxing in the Summer Olympics four years from now. We apologize for the short notice, but we would appreciate it if members of the press could apply for coverage. Thank you very much.
1️⃣ 記者会見:令和6年8月18日(日)16時~
(Registration begins at 3:30pm Location: 1F entrance)
2️⃣Location: 4-2 Kasumigaokacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan Sport Olympic Square 3F Conference Room 3
3️⃣Content: Regarding relationships with international organizations, etc.
4️⃣Interview application: Google Form
5️⃣Application deadline: Friday, August 16th at 3pm
📞[Contact Information]
Japan Boxing Federation Secretariat
TEL: 03-6804-6751
Email: [email protected]
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